Monday, November 07, 2005

"Land ... that produces a crop ..."

Continuing to read Hebrews 6:7-12
"Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God."

As one who has received so much from God, who "drinks in the rain," shouldn't something more come from this than just the quenching of my thirst? Some immediate questions arise:

1. What useful crop might I reasonably expect to produce?

First and foremost is character, a.k.a. "the fruit of the Holy Spirit," Christian humanism, the renewing of the image of God in us. This is what Jean Vanier calls the project of "Becoming Human." This is about giving attention to the quality of soil that all of our actions are eventually planted in and harvested from. Because right action is never enough. Our "righteous must excede that of the Scribes and Pharisees." Out of this good soil will arise all kinds of loving, joyful, peaceful...actions that will bless those around us.

2. Who are "those for whom it is farmed"?

This refers to both God and people. God is the immediate recipient of every crop we produce, whether good or evil. We bless God or curse God by all of our responses to his abundant rain upon the geography of our life. The people around us, in our circle of relationships, may glean in our fields all that is left there for them because we have been faithful in caring for the precious seed that God has scattered on our life and watered with his love.

3. What is "the blessing of God" that I should expect?

This is God's "favor." As in: "the Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering..." (Gen. 4:4), "Whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 8:25), "A good man obtains favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 12:2), and many others. It is God's smile, God's companionship, God's investment in my life.

I have certainly produced my share of thorns and thistles that didn't bless anyone but oh, that I would produce a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed.

I am land that drinks in the rain often falling on it...
I am land...that produces a useful crop...

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